TAROT VERSUS PSYCHIC READING:Which Is Best? - Monday, March 26, 2012 | PsychicPower.com

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TAROT READING VERSUS PSYCHIC READING: WHICH IS BEST? Neither one is better than the other. It really comes down to the person giving the advice and how skilled they are at their craft and what you are personally comfortable with. Some people are not comfortable with tarot cards; others like to see the cards because it helps them feel involved. Others don’t like psychics because it can seem too vague. The tarot has more structure than a psychic reading. There are layouts and meanings and archetypes to the cards that give the advisor a clear path to follow while delivering information. Much like an irrigation system directing the water to a field. Different cards and spreads are like one of those channels directing the water only they direct the information towards the answer of your question. Tarot readers often will also have intuitive and psychic abilities, but choose to use the information they derive from the cards to formulate the information into a clear picture for the client. Tarot readers will often have a favorite deck because as you spend time with the cards it becomes a working relationship and you will see that one reader will read the same cards differently from the next. That is because though the cards technically mean the same thing, the human experience of that meaning differs with each of us and as the reader develops their relationship with their deck they also develop their own language and understanding of the cards. This strongly enhances their ability to interpret the cards. Almost like a secret language between the reader and the cards themselves. Psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive and empathic readers work more with unseen as far as mainstream reality. They are able to read energy fields and have fine tuned their ability to interpret their gut instincts to where they can also see or sense different levels of information that are held in the mass consciousness. I use my own deck THE WORDS TO THE WISE ORACLE but I also read main stream decks along with my psychic abilities in order to not only involve the client in the reading but to also fine tune the information I am downloading from spirit. If you saw the first Matrix movie, there was a scene where the female lead is on a roof top and faced with having to fly a helicopter. She has never done it before so she says to her team who are up in the space ship, “download the files. “ She closes her eyes and waits. Her team downloads the energetic program on how to fly the chopper into her consciousness: she opens her eyes, gets in the chopper and flies it. The very much how it feel when I download information when I am in “psychic mode” more than “card reading mode”. You open yourself to spirit and the “knowing” of the higher consciousness, download the information, and then formulate it, as it often comes in pictures, sounds, etc, and then deliver the information to the client.
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 3/26/2012 3:32:16 PM
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Thanks for such clear explanation. However I always prefer if my psychic does not use the cards. I feel that when they do that, they are focusing on the cards more than they are focusing on me. Maybe I am wrong and we are all different which is why there are so many different styles but I like to tell the psychic my problem and have them dissect it and then I ask questions so that they can clarify. That works best for me. The matrix analogy was great though, definitely brought it home for me and next time I think I will ask my psychic to try the cards and see how the reading goes.
Post by Pat at 4/11/2012 10:56:02 AM
Hi Shanon Lhoure I think psychics can read and predict but tarot readers can't predict and read without tarot that's the advantage of an accurate psychic. Tarot card is just a tool for a psychic.
Post by lilibretten at 6/19/2012 10:17:29 PM
