Ext. 1505

Price: $2.49

Brittani has been a psychic intuitive all her life. Once she figured out that she was in tune with a universal energy and it wasn’t coincidence, she dove head first into anything metaphysical that she could find. Brittani explains that the resulting years of working with people, spiritual counseling, advising people, and helping people find their own intuition have been some of the most rewarding experiences of her life. Brittani believes that everyone is talented, psychic, and intuitive. She believes we all have the ability to develop these gifts into skills we can use to best live this physical life. Her hope is to play a role in your life as a guide and to help you recognize, acknowledge, love, and treasure these gifts within you.

Reikki Master, Theta Healer, Psychic Intuitive, Oracle Card Reader, Crystal, Medium, Life Coach, Empath.

Reading Style
Brittani is keenly aware that talking to others and to ourselves with negative and hateful energy can hurt deeply, so it is her mission to help you turn that around. To transform your inner monologue, your self-image, your perception of your own talents and gifts, and your self-criticism to positive gains. To teach you to forgive yourself, and to change the way you talk to and about yourself.

Brittani’s readings are 100 % inclusive and unbiased, culturally and socially, non-gender or age specific. Her goal is empowerment for all, to help you recognize the best part of you, to help you overcome your challenges and to show you how uniquely equipped you are to defy life obstacles facing you now or in the future.


5/8/2024 12:37:06 PM UTC
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Praise for Brittani

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Brittani's happy clients have to say.

"Thank you sooooooo much!!"

One million stars for Britannia!

- Truthonlyplz


Brittani is amazing !! The best advisor!

- Truthonlyplz


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