Ext. 1777

Price: $2.49


Cindy’s mother and grandmother were psychics and strong empaths, so naturally she was born gifted with a keen intuition and all the “clair” senses. Cindy is Native American, enrolled in the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and growing up with a solid Native American culture gave her a strong knowledge of the spiritual world. Cindy is an identical twin, and as such energy is also her language. She learned to trust the energy, intuition, voices of spirit, through various life events, and speaking out loud, things she was shown beforehand.

Cindy is an intuitive, energy reader, empath and remote viewer, and a practicing psychic for 20 years. During her childhood she picked up on energies, spoken out loud warnings or events that she sensed. One example is, waking up crying to her mother that she was scared to lose her pet bird, only for it to happen later when the threat of a tornado forced them to evacuate their home. During the transportation of some of their possessions to the car, her bird flew out of its cage.

Reading Style

Cindy does not use tools, and she will need a first name only, just to get the reading started. She will also ask you what you would like looked into. She is known for her accurate predictions, timelines, dates, outlooks on relationships, careers, jobs and more. She will tap into your energy and easily give you confirmations and messages.

Cindy’s readings are spirit driven, honest and validating, which brings comfort, hope and faith. She can pick up your emotions and will truthfully tell you as she tells all her clients “this is what I feel”. Cindy also picks up on behaviors. Spirit will give her the advice for you to move forward. Her job is not to judge you but to help you through your journey.

Cindy has always enjoyed helping others. The immediate positive energy of helping comes back full circle. It is very rewarding for her when spirit gives her advice to help change or shift a person’s outlook on a situation, and the gratitude they express. She also enjoys grounding herself with mother earth. Taking a day to enjoy the energy in all that she provides.

Cindy’s advice to everyone is, if you are having a bad day, do something, no matter how small, for a human or animal, and immediately you will find the discomfort of your bad day gone. The karmic circle happens fast.

Favorite Quote: “Change the way you see things and the things you see will change” –Wayne Dyer


4/26/2024 1:09:09 PM UTC
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Praise for Cindy

Reviews are a great way to find the advisor that's right for you. Here's what Cindy's happy clients have to say.


I spoke to Cindy a few weeks ago she was clear, accurate and detailed. I didn't think too much of it when she told me she got a 3 or 4 for contact with my POI..... but she told me to do small spell and I didn't know what to think but did it. My POI reached out within 4 hrs after that call!!!! Thank you! She's the best on this site for sure and predictions that are solid!!! I can't wait to contact her again

- Ny_gal


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