Fragrance - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

Fragrance is something that we all take for granted. We know that we love the smell of certain flowers, perfumes, colognes or incense. The scent of baking or cooking brings bake good memories – the kind of memories that sustain us over a lifetime. If we pay attention to scent, and how we react to it, we can learn to surround ourselves with the scents that will be most beneficial to us for given situations.

Following is a short list of scents, and some of the qualities/benefits that they carry with them:

Carnation: Carnation is a gentle scent that can be used in connection with protection from ghosts.

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus, aside from its use as an antiseptic, can be used for help in breathing as well as promoting healing and easing depression.

Frankincense: For me, this is very much a Christmas related smell (especially for candles). This scent can be use for protection, and to cleanse.

Gardenia: This is a fairly strong smell, and will not appeal to all people. It can be used to attract or work with nature energies, and in telepathic work.

Lavender: This is a scent that is well known for its relaxing qualities, and when working with altered states of consciousness.

Lilac: This scent is a good choice to use when connecting with the spirit world. It is a light, gentle fragrance.

Rose: This is a good scent to use when dealing with emotions, and with issues connected to love. Rose scent will also be of help in opening the connection to spirit when meditating or doing visualization.

Rosemary: This is another scent that appears around Christmas time. It is protective by nature, and also helps in remembering things that have been forgotten.

This is a short list – just a beginning to let you see what you can do with fragrance. Whether you wear it as a perfume or cologne, burn it in a candle, or as incense, or mist it as an oil, fragrance is a strong tool of empowerment.

Post by Bonnie at 8/11/2009 3:47:33 AM
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