Readiing On Senator Edward Kennedy's Passing - Wednesday, August 26, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

We all knew this was coming, but it was still a shock to hear that Senator Edward Kennedy had passed. I was growing into adulthood during the Kennedy era, so to me the Kennedy’s are a very iconic family. I thought that I would do a short reading on Senator Kennedy’s passing, and share it here

What part did Senator Kennedy’s work play in our lives? I drew the Eight of Wands for this question. Eights are all about movement, advancement, decision making, and the end result. This card captures the essence of Ted Kennedy. He put in the work that was necessary to get the results that he is so famous for. It is because of his attention to detail, his ability to people well, and his stance on what he thought was right that we have the rights that we have. He was the voice of the common man, the voice for those that could not speak. His importance in our lives is more important than we will ever know. His endorsement of our current president is just one small part of how Senator Kennedy affected our lives.

What do we need to know about his passing? I drew the Ten of Pentacles for this question. This is one of the cards in the deck that I consider “cards of family”. He certainly was a family man (even though he had his own issues), and he will leave a large hole in his own personal family structure. That same hole is left in the family of admirers that he leaves behind. This cards also speaks of riches – Senator Kennedy leaves behind a rich history of achievement oriented towards others. He lived a life of service – his good deeds will live on in those that he mentored and nurtured, as well as the legions that benefited from his legislation.

What is Senator Kennedy’s legacy? I drew the Four of Wands for this question. One of the things that the fours stand for is foundation. Senator Kennedy certainly left a solid foundation for this nation to build on. His work in crossing party lines to get legislation passed is highly lauded. The Four of Wands is also a card of prosperity and harmony. This is a wonderful legacy for anyone to leave behind!

Our prayers go out to the Kennedy family.

Post by Bonnie at 8/26/2009 12:03:31 PM
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