Dreamtime - Wednesday, September 16, 2009 | PsychicPower.com

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Dreamtime is a very special time. The dreams that come to us serve many purposes – they help us to bring resolution to daytime issues, they act as a “heads up” to issues that are upcoming, and they bring us messages from Spirit. We can actually work with our dreams, both to understand them and to put them in perspective in our daily lives.

The first thing that we want to do is be able to remember our dreams. We can help ourselves here if we keep pen and paper near our bedside. When we wake up from a dream – even if it is in the middle of the night – it is best to take a moment or two to write down everything that we can remember. Any words, actions, sights, smells, attitudes, colors, symbols – anything that we remember should be written down.

For those of you that think you do not dream, or only remember parts of your dreams, try telling yourself as you go to sleep that you will remember your dreams. The more you can remember of your dreams, the more comfortable you will feel remembering them. Interpretation of our dreams depends upon what we remember – the colors in the dream, the figures or buildings, symbols, actions, emotions – all of this will help you to interpret what is going on and where it fits into your life.

You can also ask for dreams on specific subjects. Formulate a question that is short, concise, and addresses the topic that you need information on. Hold this question in your mind as you go to sleep. If you are getting dreams that you understand parts of, but do not understand other parts of, then ask for clarification before you go to sleep on whatever you did not understand.

Remember – you are the dreamer, your Higher Self is the dream maker. You are in charge of your own dreamtime – make it work for you!

Post by Bonnie at 9/16/2009 9:24:00 AM
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