Friday the 13th - Friday, November 13, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

Friday the 13th. Yes, today is Friday the 13th. For many people – even some who may not want to admit it – this is a very anxiety filled day. This year we had three Friday the 13th’s – in February, March, and now November. That won’t happen again until the year 2015.

Why the anxiety? Thirteen is considered to be an unlucky luck number in some cultures – to the point that the 13th floor may be excluded in high rise buildings (you go from the 12th floor to the 14th floor, and pretend all is well!). Something that I did not know was that Friday itself is considered to be unluck in some cultures. There is even a name for the fear of Friday the 13th - paraskevidekatriaphobia.

How do you view Friday the 13th? There really is nothing inherently unlucky about Friday the 13th – it is all in how we view it. If you truly are fearful, then common sense says to stay home on that day. Find a pleasant activity to occupy your day, and you will be fine.

Other common sense things would be to not travel on that day if the superstition bothers you, to not schedule meetings or any other important activities on that day, and to try and keep your daily routine just that – as routine as possible.

Always remember that we are here 24/7 to talk you through exceptional times like this!

Post by Lilith at 11/13/2009 9:57:48 AM
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