Blue Moon/Solar Eclipse - Monday, December 28, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

A partial lunar eclipse will be appearing on 2009 New Year’s Eve (during the time of the Capricorn Full Moon). This is the last of four lunar eclipses to occur during 2009. An eclipse occurs when a planet is in the earth’s shadow. In this case, only a slight portion of the moon will be in eclipse – but it will be enough to be visible. Note: The visibility will be limited to Alaska – the rest of the United States will not be able to see it. This is also a “Blue Moon” – the second full moon in the month of December.

The full moon is a time of letting go of whatever is not serving us well. The presence of the eclipse adds the energy of events happening that are life changing for us. And, since it is also New Year’s Eve, we are looking at what we want to release from the old year, what to carry over into the new year, and what new things we want to bring in.

Wishing each of you a very Happy, Successful New Year!

Post by Bonnie at 12/28/2009 7:27:25 AM
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