Twitter - Thursday, April 23, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

As you can see from my profile page, I am one of those little people that are Tweeting all over the place (and yes - I was there before Oprah!). What is this little blue bird all about, and what does it mean for you?

Twitter is part of what is termed "social media" - along with sites like FaceBook, MySpace and LinkedIn. While each site would seem to be aimed at different audiences, they have one thing in common - they are there to connect people in a significant way.

Joining Twitter ( is free, and they do not ask for your firstborn son before they allow you to Tweet. ;-) If you hav e a business, or offer services of any kind, you can list this in your bio, alog with a link to your site. If you are an individual looking to connect with like minded individuals, your bio should reflect your personal interests.

The whole point of Twitter is Tweeting (which is what the 140 character posts are called - Tweets) about what you are doing at any given time. You find like minded people (there is a search function on hte site), and you click to follow them. This means that you will see what they are Tweeting. In turn, for the most part, they will follow you.

I have a mixed following, because I follow several interests - Tarot, personal empowerment, and (extremely limited!) Internet promoting.  Take a look - check out my Twitter page

It is fun to follow the links that people include in their Tweets - whether it is to a personal site, a business site, or a Twitter application.

By using Hashtags (a Twitter application), you can follow individual interests. I use the Hashtags #followfriday every Friday to encourage my followers to follow people that I find of interest. Every Wednesday I use #women2follow, where I promote women int he Twitter community that I feel are of value. You can make up Hashtags for anything that you wish to follow (the Hashtags that I use I did not create - they were already there).

I am happy to see you here - and hope to see you on Twitter!

Post by Lilith at 4/23/2009 5:47:49 AM
Comments:Add Comment
Tweet tweet. Will definitely follow you - I love your posts and your columns are really terrific.
Post by benj at 4/23/2009 9:50:15 AM
Me too
Post by Love Advisor at 4/23/2009 11:20:53 AM
I am very happy to see that I have fellow Tweeter's! :)

Post by Lilith at 5/7/2009 6:25:17 AM
