Balance in June! Money for July! - Sunday, May 29, 2011 |

Psychic Blogs

June is the time to begin preparing to allow your goals to be accomplished. You can create balance by stopping to set them too high. If they are attainable, you will see that they begin to come to fruition.

July brings us a once-in-a-lifetime event. In fact, it happens only once every 823 years. During July 2011, there will be 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. Rare indeed!

According to Chinese legend, one must tell at least 8 other people about this event of good fortune. If you do, money will arrive within 4 days. According to Feng Shui, those who choose not to share the news of good fortune will be left without the benefits.

One could also say this is a year of good luck when it comes to abundance, as we invoke the year of 111. If you take the last two digits of the year in which you were born, then and add the age you will turn this year. It should equal 111. In fact, everyone in the world will end up with the number 111. As 111 is a number of great money luck, we can say this year is the year of money!!!

None of us have experienced this before and never will again. It is worth a try!! What this truly says to me is that it's not all about money. It is also about creating balance during this time and coming to know you are in control of your destiny! Ultimately, it's about making a choice to overcome negative habits of the past and moving forward with relationships in a positive way.

In the end, give yourself the freedom to be who you are and create create happiness, despite what has happened in the past.

God Bless you all and have a safe and happy Memorial Day!!


Post by Endorie at 5/29/2011 12:54:16 AM
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