Psychic Insight for October - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 |

Psychic Blogs

How well do you trust spirit, God, or whatever you consider to be greater than yourself? You trust that source with your life every day, whether you know it or not. How many times when something has gone wrong, or fallen through you immediately presumed or felt you were being punished or passed over. . “I just get ahead and have a little bit of money and the car had to break down and take it all. It seems I am not meant to have anything!!” I know I have been there many times. But what if you chose to not feel punished or persecuted? What if you chose to say, “Thanks spirit for waiting until I had enough money to fix the car before it broke down.” You really watch out for me.” What if you did that instead? One approach shuts down the flow of energy and one opens it up. One isolates you and rejects any help that is given and other recognizes it as help and is willing be helped even more! This is a HUGE lesson. If you can make this different choice it will not only change your life, it will change who you are at your very core. The choice to be a victim comes from not feeling we are loved and not being willing to accept love. By everything and everyone in your life not just spirit. And in order to support that belief your life must “go to hell” every now and then so you can justify your belief. This October, when something goes wrong or askew in your life, instead of going “why me?” Try saying “thanks, for protecting me as there must be something I am missing for this to not happen,” “what am I missing?” “This is not working because there is something better that I am not seeing, so what is it?” Just try it for one month. And I know what I am asking is not easy. We are very attached to the world having it in for us. But this October, allow yourself to be loved not punished. And when something happens that you would normally feel punished about flip it and see it as a gift and watch it become that just that. I just finished reading a great book by a lady called Amanda Owens called the Power of Receiving, and her main mantra for the book is “RECEIVE EVERYTHING ------- DECIDE LATER.” So this October, RECEIVE EVERYTHING AND DECIDE LATER. Shanon Lhoure x1119
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 9/27/2011 7:21:12 AM
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