Words to the Wise for July - Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | PsychicPower.com

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This July is a month of celebration. Of acknowledging that something you have been working on, be it a business or a relationship, has not got to a level where it has become pretty self-sufficient.

When we start new things we have to put conditions and structure in place so it will grow in the way in which we want it to, but once it has gotten to a certain point then it is time to re-evaluate that structure and perhaps and perhaps loosen our grips on the reins, just a little.

This month is showing that you have started to develop a relationship with this person or project to such a point where you are in in sync with it intuitively. You instinctively know when something is too much or not enough.

July is a month of relaxing your watch on something: trusting that you know that project well enough, that it can be trusted to move forward in the way you would like it to, without your needing to steer it too vigorously.

Post by Shanon Lhoure at 7/3/2012 3:45:12 PM
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