psychic insight for January 2013 - Tuesday, December 25, 2012 |

Psychic Blogs

WORDS TO THE WISE for January 2013 As we move into January, the insight is speaking to us, of recognizing our “spiritual family” when we connect with others. Seeking out those who allow us to be who we truly are by not asking us to fit in or tone down so as to not embarrass them. Find those who enjoy your idiosyncrasies as much as your more conservative traits. It often seems that our blood family has the most trouble allowing us to be who we truly are. It would seem that as a family we should travel a similar path or belief system, and often we do, but on those times when we don’t, we often meet with opposition that can cripple us. Some of us fight for our lives and become free and live our lives true to who we are, and if we are lucky, our blood family will accept that. Others of us are still bogged down with expectations of the family dynamic. Turning our back on opportunities that might take us outside of the fold, to new ways of being and possibly new lands and faces. No matter how you cut it, it is not easy making your own way in life if you have a family who you love deeply but who don’t see your vision of who you want to be or who you may already be. Sometimes, they truly do know what is best for us, but for much of the time it is based in a deep rooted fear, that by changing or leaving what is “tried and true,” you will be at risk or the nucleus of the family will be at risk. Perhaps it goes back to when families directly needed the next generation to follow in their steps, just to survive. To take over the family business, or run that farm, and there was no other way. So, this January is asking you to first find your truth. Have faith in the love of your blood family, even though they may not understand now, that at their core, they truly want what is good for you, though it may not seem that way right now. This January, you need to release the karmic whirlpool to a higher power. Pray or invoke clarity and love for them, and out of respect for them and the part of you that they created, move out into your life. Love your blood family, but somewhere out there is also another family that embrace you and reflect back to you another aspect of your being, that you may not know about yet. This year is beginning as a time of total acceptance of who you are: first by the karma of your birth family and all that may bring, and also by your spiritual or world family, who will reflect back to you different way of being that you can share with all.
Post by Shanon Lhoure at 12/25/2012 11:50:24 AM
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