THE WISHING SONG - Wednesday, October 2, 2013 |

Psychic Blogs


Actually, you are more than perfect. You are a conduit for that Great Immensity that creates worlds. And I can prove this to you with a simple-simple technique that will transform enemies into friends or a lover into a better lover. When used faithfully this technique works cleanly in 10 days or less. You will see rock solid results in 10 days or less.

Here’s the Technique: Set aside a time at least twice a day to sit quietly and focus upon the person with whom you would like to have a better relationship. In that time of reflection, imagine this person having the very things you want yourself to have, see them having the same feelings of fulfilment you want yourself to have. That’s right, imagine them having the very things you want for yourself. I’ll say that again: imagine this person with whom you want better relations having the very things you want for yourself, see them feeling the fulfilment you want yourself to feel.

Example: Suppose you have a troublesome co-worker; they are always on your back, picking arguments, disagreeing, etc. In your quiet place imagine them having what you want for yourself. It doesn’t matter if what you want for yourself is money, a puppy, improved Spanish speaking abilities, whatever. Imagine this co-worker having that very thing you want for yourself. Really feel them and see them having what you want for yourself. Be honest about it; really see them and feel them having the experience you want yourself to have, glowing with the joy and fulfilment you want for yourself. Do this faithfully for two weeks, twice a day, and you will see their treatment of you and attitude toward you change for the better, more in alignment with how you want them to treat you.

How Does It Work? This technique does not change others. It changes you! It changes the signal you are offering when you experience the person of your focus. When you engage anybody they are responding to the vibration you are offering about yourself and them. Hence, when you change the signal you are offering, your experience of them changes, how they respond to you changes. It’s just like looking in a mirror. If you look in a mirror and you don’t like what you see, you will get nowhere trying to change the mirror. But when you change the object to be reflected in the mirror, the reflection will be different. This technique is based on the premise that we can never see things as they really are, we only see them as we are.

The Best Thing! The best thing about this technique is you don’t need to think about how it works for the technique to work. When you use the technique as I have described, you change and the people responding to you will be different. The second best thing about this technique is any secret resentment you’ve been harbouring will fall away and die. The resentments begin to diminish the moment you sit and faithfully envision the person of focus having and enjoying something valuable to you. The alternative to using this technique is to continue what you’ve been doing: worrying, trying to guess what you’ve done wrong, wondering what they have against you.

When to Apply the Technique and With Whom: Former US President Abraham Lincoln used to talk about how the best way to remove an enemy is to make them your friend. I have tried this technique on lovers, friends, enemies, and business associates. The technique is equally effective with all relationships. You can increase the effectiveness by staying consistent and sincerely seeing your target having those blessings you wish for yourself. I suggest picking a person with whom you’ve had a falling out. Five to ten minutes of detailed focusing in the morning and evening is plenty. My final suggestion is to really work at one relationship/person at a time. Pick one person and use them as your focusing target for two weeks—you will see a change.

One Last FAQ: Will this technique work on yourself, if you are the one with whom you would like better relations? Oh my. You will find yourself living a life that makes any previous notions of paradise silly by contrast.


Post by Patrick O'Donovan at 10/2/2013 6:49:33 PM
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