Vibrational Healng Through the Chakras - Tuesday, June 16, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

“Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras”, by Joy Gardner (Crossing Press) focuses on the healing powers of light and sound, as well as crystals and aromatherapy, and the ways that these powers can be used to heal through the chakra system (the seven energy centers that run along our spine). This information in this book is very practical information, easy to put to use in real life. It is an excellent tool for helping us to improve our own health and well being.

Gardner gives a very good overview of the chakras and the human energy field, of the colors connected with the chakras, and with learning how to open and close each chakra. She discusses diagnosing through the chakras, how we can feel our own chakras, and Vibrational Alignment ™, the specific technique that she herself developed through working with her clients.

An entire chapter is devoted to light, color, and frequencies – some of which are visible to the naked eye, some of which are not. For me, the information on color and vibration was intriguing. Systems such as Feng Shui use color as an important element of their foundation. Those who work with Elemental Energy will recognize the power of color, as will those who work with personal power, where the colors in our environment, and the choice of color in the cloths that we wear, can enhance or detract from our energy. Psychic healing is another area where color is used to affect positive change.

What I really like about this book is the depth of background information on each of the healing modalities, the use of graphics (it is often easier to convey something through the use of a graph, rather than through text), and the inclusion of personal experiences, as well as client experiences.

Gardner talks about the use of color charged water, which colors to use where on the face to heal, and how to use color in our daily life. I have a personal interest in chanting and healing with voice, so this particular chapter was a great gift. One of the quotes from her book, from an indigenous friend (Craig Carpenter) reads: “When we sing, we give thanks. And when we give thanks, then miracles begin to happen.”

Gardner also brings in the cultural and spiritual use of light and sound, crystals and aromatherapy to heal. She does this through use of story – and some of the stories are absolutely amazing!

Come to this book with an open mind, and take away what you will. It is a teacher, a reference, and a friend for those who wish to work on healing themselves, as well as for those that wish to heal others.

© June 2009

Post by Bonnie at 6/16/2009 5:55:09 AM
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