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Party gone wrong

#1 Posted on
3/10/2010 12:09:33 AM
by Bec
I was soon going to be having a joint birthday party with a friend but I just didn't feel right about it. I actually invisioned myself passing out and vomiting from too much alcohol. I'm turning 32 and have only been drinking for about a year (since I left a religion that prohibited me from drinking), I have never even drank enough to have a hangover or throw up, but this "vision" was making me nervous. So I decided that I always have control and would be fine, but weeks before just didn't feel right. Well my little brother has been drinking years before me (he was smart enough to leave the religion before I figured it out!), he had never had any problems. It was him who passed out and ended up in the hospital and almost died from a bad reaction. Now I'm feeling awful, his wife had a bad feeling about that night too. My friend says that the "vision" was my spirit guides trying to prepare me for what would happen. But what if it was more of a premonition to stop this from happening and I didn't listen? I feel so awful about what happened. My brother says he has learned his lesson that he didn't know his limits so it's just too dangerous for him (he has never had a hangover before either). But I still wonder if I should have just cancelled the party when I had a bad feeling? Does anyone know about this type of thing and can help me learn from this experience?
#2 Posted on
3/12/2010 7:31:58 AM
by Bonnie
Bec: I am so sorry to hear that this happened to your brother. It is good that he realized that this was a lesson for him, and that he will act differently in the future. Your dream was definitely a premonition of things to come. For anyone who has dreams of this type, we never know if we should act on them, and in what manner we should act on them. My personal feeling here is that if you had cancelled the party, your brother would have simply had this experience somewhere else. Bot you and his wife had premonitions, so this was something very important in his life. What do you take from this experience? That this same thing can happen to you, and that you need to act very carefully when it comes to drinking. I would also say that drinking is a symbol for something else in your life that you are working out internally, although I do not know what that is. My suggestion would be to take into dreamtime the question "What does this dream mean for me?", and see what messages your guides bring to you. I would also start a dream diary, where you write your deams down. Going back and looking at our dreams helps us to understand them better. Blessings, Bonnie
