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Wearing Another's Shoes/Clothes

#1 Posted on
3/22/2010 12:26:24 PM
by Ree
Recently I have had a reoccurring dream of wearing or in some form borrowing the clothes of another person. In the dream, I go to this person's house and am given different (very nice) clothes to wear. It is though I am being dressed up by this person and maybe other people helping. In the dream, I feel happy about this and really like the clothes. It is almost like it is my "big sister" getting me ready to go to the prom. Any significance?
#2 Posted on
3/22/2010 12:38:12 PM
by Ree
More recently, I had a dream where this same person hosted a birthday party, and all the guests were required to select a pair of new shoes from a big pile to wear to the party. Oddly enough, guests were required to crawl through a small dark tunnel, which was lit by a man wearing a Renaissance costume and holding a candle, in order to arrive at the party. (This is wear the shoes were waiting.) I recall selecting a pair of shiny red patent leather shoes to wear. Although everyone is having a great time, the party abruptly ends as the hostess begins thanking everyone for attending. And, all guests must leave the shoes they have worn before they go. It turns out they are not a gift, but that the hostess wanted us to "wear her shoes" for the event. I am sad that I cannot keep the shoes. Also, I have the feeling that she never even wanted to have this party and wants it to be over quickly. I am also dreading having to go back through the dark tunnel. I am usually not one to remember my dreams, but this one was very strange and vivid!
#3 Posted on
3/25/2010 12:32:42 AM
by Bonnie
Ree - For me, clothing refers to how we see ourselves. It appears that you are going through a time of spiritual growth, and that you are gaining wisdom (clothin) from those around you. Blessings, Bonnie
#4 Posted on
3/25/2010 12:42:09 AM
by Bonnie
Ree - The dream about the shoes is quite interesting! It is not coincidental that te same person hosted this party as the one in your other dream. Shoes to me indicagte the path that we are walkking, and out ab ility to walk that path. The small dark tunnel could very well refer to your unconscious self. Some information/wisdom is being brought through here, and it is being brought through you unconscious, or subconscious self. The fear I see as simply a very normal fear of the unknown. The Renaissance costume seems to say that the wisdom is coming literally from another time and place. The Renaissance was a time of new thought. The red color of the shoes indicagtes creativity and passion. The party ending abruptly seems to indicate that somewhere in your life wisdom is coming to you (in a group setting), but that the teacher is perhaps wanting to hold the wisdom to themselves - they are not sharing freely. You are sad that you cannot keep the wisdom - you feel that it is not yours, that you must "give it back". Dreading going back through the dark tunnel is fear of the uknown again.Look to where wisdom is coming to you in your life, and at what steps you can take to place iti n your life - to "m ake it yours".
