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Broken Lamp

#1 Posted on
3/22/2010 12:44:19 PM
by Ree
Some time ago, I had a dream that I went to the house of a couple I know (but not well). It is not their normal house, but a small dark apartment. I go into the bathroom, and there is a lamp on a table between the toilet and sink. I accidentally break the lamp, and am very sorry about it. All I can remember is that everything is very, very dark and I feel uncomfortable. After the dream, I looked online to see the meaning of the broken lamp (which can mean bad luck in some cultures) and that was my take-away. However, I have now learned that this couple is no longer together -- and most likely split up around the time of my dream. Is there a connection?
#2 Posted on
3/23/2010 4:32:13 AM
by Bonnie
Ree - For me, lamps indicate light and wisdom. A "knowing" coming to someone. It sounds to me as if this couple was in a "dark place" in their relationship, and that for whatever reason this was coming to you. The broken lamp might indicate the broken communications beteen the two of them (which had nothing to do with you, even though in the dream you are the one that broke the lamp).
