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A brown bear

#1 Posted on
5/5/2010 1:43:46 AM
A very large brown bear forced his way into my house through the front door. I was behind him. I thought he was going to get my baby that was beyond him. (I have no baby) I ran to get the baby and realized the bear was harmless but for precaution removed the child anyway. That dream was this morning. This after noon I took my car to the shop afraid something was terrebly wrong though I knew it must be minor because it was in the shop the day before. I was excersizing precausion. From there I drove around looking for any rental properties and instead I ran into a park I did not know was there and at the entrance was a huge statue of a bear, then I got lost on back amish roads and wondered how I was going to find my way home when I found a road I recognized where I passed a cemetary with another big bear statue holding a flag.
#2 Posted on
5/5/2010 3:51:06 AM
by Bonnie
Miranda - A few stray thoughts here. Bear is often viewed as a Guide, and as Keeper of the West. The baby in your dream could have been one of two thngs - your inner child, or a project that you have birthed and aer "growing". Wisdom is coming to you about something, and you need not be afraid of this wisdom. Because the symbol of the bear appeared more than once to you, it does have importance. Blessings, Bonnie
