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Spiritual Enlightenment

#1 Posted on
12/20/2010 9:46:40 AM
by Bekah
Spiritual Enlightenment During this holiday season I think it is so important to concentrate on our personal spiritual enlightenment by answering three questions: What is spiritual enlightenment? How enlightenment affects us individually and universally. How to obtain spiritual enlightenment What is spiritual enlightenment? It’s the act of shining on alight where there was darkness. And that is what we are going to help you do today; shine a little light on what you have looking for “Spiritually” most of your life. It’s unlikely we will experience total spiritual enlightenment in our lifetimes but many have and will gain partial enlightenment. The bottom line is if you learn something deep, profound and true, and it sinks into your heart and makes perfect sense to you then it becomes part of you and you are enlightened. All religions seem to claim some form of enlightenment and I am not here today to say which religion is correct or incorrect that is for you to determine on your journey to your personal enlightenment. However, there are basic fundamental similarities such as: Do unto others as you would have done to you Do not steal, kill or desire another’s property But is this spiritual enlightenment? Not really, it does shed light on how we should live our lives and care for ourselves and our fellow man, but it does not answer the question on what “Really Happens after we die”. Some experts say the way to attain true spiritual enlightenment is to meditate a certain way, fast, pray, or other occult means such as rituals. And it is truly up to you to find your path and it is necessary to walk that path on your own. A quote from Albert Einstein gives us an idea of just how diverse the path to spiritual enlightenment can be he states and I quote “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separate from the rest…a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons that are nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Meaning that, even though we are a part of the whole universe we must each find our own true path to spiritual enlightenment, Jesus, Heaven, Summerland, or Paradise. 2. Enlightenment is not merely an individual phenomenon, however, when one person experiences enlightenment, they not only change themselves, but the world around them as well. The hard work, focus, and dedication that are required to evoke this state have many rewards. Mostly it allows the recipient YOU to enter a peace of mind, serenity, and higher consciousness that is not easily put into words. This enlightenment energies purpose is to activate a spiritual awakening that affects individual human lives, our genetic and cellular beings of our species and in the ecosystems as well. 3. How? Enlightenment brings energy of the creator into the body that we have never experienced before. The body will experience manifestations of Karma that has built up during successive incarnations or our past lives. This built up karma creates an aspect of being called the shadow self. This “Shadow Self” blocks the experience of the cosmic union, heart opening joy of spiritual enlightenment, once we have gained the knowledge of the Shadow Self and release the karma the spiritual enlightenment process speeds up the energy we receive from the creator widening our consciousness. Once we awaken from the “shadow self” completely we are healed and inevitably Earth is healed as well. We are always seeking spiritual enlightenment, in fact it is one of the major reasons we turn to religion, to gain the insight that we are craving…..that connection to God. In spiritual enlightenment realm we do not have to conform to the socio-economic-political-moral laws of our time. We all enjoy the same divine gift from God; we are all equally privileged to seek intimate personal communication with our indwelling spirit all the while choosing to accept the leading of our spirit that feels right for us. It should be made clear those professions of loyalty to the supreme ideals of the psychic, emotional, and spiritual awareness of God consciousness and spiritual enlightenment is a natural and gradual experience and at times it may also be experienced at times of great crises. This is truly a human religious experience. This experience of spiritual growth and development is a competition between our normal human relationships between the material things we want and the spiritual attainment we also desire. When true enlightenment is reached, which may not be until our bodies have died, will we finally attain the full completion of our spiritual enlightenment? Spiritual development depends first on the maintenance of a living spiritual connection with the true spiritual forces and second on the continuous bearing of spiritual fruition that you receive from your spirit guides and angels. Spiritual progress is first an awakening to the needs, next figuring out the meanings, and then the discovery of values that ring true for YOU. The evidence of a true spiritual development consists in the exhibition of a human personality motivated by love, activated by unselfish ministry (First to oneself as the perfect being you are then toward your fellow man), and dominated by the wholehearted worship of the perfection ideals of divinity. Only then will YOU develop religious realities that will be separate from theological beliefs. Creating your own belief of true enlightenment. After such spiritual attainment and enlightenment, whether by gradual growth or personal crises, there occurs a new orientation of personalization and development of values. This Enlightenment causes the person to be rejuvenated for life so much so that they can calmly stand by while their once dearly held fondest dreams die knowing that a new enduring reality of universal attainment is on the horizon. No this that no matter how much you grow and attain spiritual enlightenment there will always remain areas to explore and research for yourself. And we believe that this is the true quest of spiritual enlightenment, to continue to search, learn, reach and grow for our spiritual development will never cease to grow to build a stronger connection to the divine. The next posting will further explain how spiritual enlightenment affects us personally and holistically.

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