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Lot of lions, wild cat family animals

#1 Posted on
1/16/2011 9:47:48 PM
by Lovetheorchid
I had such a wild, intense dream. It goes something like this. I don't remember how i got in to this building that was in the middle of wild cat family (like lions, mountain cats, couger etc) habitat. Here i am inside the building, and the cats keep on trying to come in - pushing the door open, sticking their head to the window. I'm terrified & trying my best to not let them come in. A few times some animals almost succeeded but all of sudden, this man i recently got to know better & am falling for appears outside and shush the animal away. And i'm so thankful & and impressed that he didn't get hurt by the animal. It was such an intense dream. I woke up feeling really exhausted...
#2 Posted on
1/21/2011 8:21:13 PM
by Bonnie
lovetheorchid - Things to pay attention to here - the intensity of your dream, the fact that you were within a house, and that you were protected by someone that you know. This dream is part symbolic,and part real. The symbolic parts are the house (which is your physical self), and the cats,which represent your wild, passionate, creative nature. The "real" part of the dream is that your friend represented himself. He comes across as someone who wants to protect you, but you also need to know that he accepts the "wild" side of your nature. I think the message here istonotbe afraid of yourself.Just be who you are, and this man will accept you.:) Blessings, Bonnie
#3 Posted on
1/31/2011 12:17:53 AM
by Lovetheorchid
Hi Bonnie, thanks for the reply. I cannot forget about this dream, but things with this person is not like what this dream represented - which in a way makes me sad. A part of me thought and believed that he must care about me, but everything that happened since then says otherwise. I think he IS a good person and cares about me, but I need to accept the fact that he and I are never going to happen. I have to wonder why that intense dream came to me...
