Forums - Dream Symbols & Interpretation - Clogged Toilet |

Clogged Toilet

#1 Posted on
4/12/2012 4:54:34 PM
by michelle216
I have several (too many to count) reoccuring dreams about dirty bathrooms, which I feel disgusting being in in my dream, and the toilets are all usually clogged and overflowing and it is just gross. Any idea what this could be?
#2 Posted on
4/25/2012 12:02:14 PM
by Endorie
Michelle I love to read how you are getting messages. Its not about the bathroom its everything around you. Allow yourself to break away from the conventional thinking. Change is here Michelle. I love it the world is in your hands. Who, Where, What, and Why are your ideas. Knowing you no longer are trapped or feel you have to answer to anyone wonderful. Allow yourself to start trust with someone or something....Stay Blessed!!!
