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Weekly Horoscope Week of June 4 - June 10, 2012

#1 Posted on
6/5/2012 4:03:47 AM
Hello, this is Christopher. This is my first day with Psychic Power and I'm glad to be a big part of this wonderful & remarkable company! I completely wrote out these Weekly Horoscopes to help all of you! Get an Astrology Reading from me with a high level of accuracy. Please read my Bio. Aries (Mar 21-April 19) Do you feel like talking this week? Getting something off your chest and putting it on the table? Mercury, Venus and the sun are all in your area of communication and with the lunar eclipse on Monday you may feel like you have to fix something now, now, now! If this sounds like what you have been wanting to do then seeing it written down should warn you of the pitfalls to this action. The repercussions could go in any direction. Mercury will shift into your home area on Friday which will have you seeing things in a new light. If you can wait till the weekend to say what is on your mind, then do so. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Leo Leo (July 23-Aug 22) Venus will eclipse the sun at the beginning of the week in your area of friends and friendships. With Mercury and the sun already in this area of your chart you may find you are suddenly Ms Popularity. On the other hand you may find you uncover something that was being kept from you. Keep your ears open for what is said this weekend when Mercury moves into Cancer. Secrets may be uncovered and with Monday's lunar eclipse they are sure not to be small secrets... they are likely to be secrets that will rock your life. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) Following fast on the solar eclipse two weeks ago, the lunar eclipse occurs in your sign this Monday making for a quite turbulent time for you. The onus you may have been placing on your love life lately may just be about to come back to sharply focus on "you." Anything you want to change there may be down to you to take the first step in doing as your significant other may not be too hasty in coming forward with any ideas of their own. With Jupiter on the verge of entering your love sector next week, you really do need to take a second look at what you want there... and what you have been putting up with. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Taurus (April 20-May 20) This is the last week Jupiter will be in your sign for twelve years. I hope you've had a fruitful and lucky six months because you are on the verge of change and you may already be feeling it. Get everything in order just now. Plans, papers to be signed, documents, etc. Monday's lunar eclipse also falls in an area of your chart where you may need to go over paperwork carefully (emphasis on carefully). Don't sign anything without reading it thoroughly. The Venus eclipse this week will give you an added boost to your love life and should have you feeling secure. If you are not, then it's time to look at why. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22) With Mars still in your sign forming a harsh aspect to this week's lunar and Venus eclipse, you may feel a bit short-tempered. Try to stay out of trouble and try to stay out of the limelight -- a place where you a never comfortable at the best of times. The areas it will affect you in are home life and career. Finding a balance between the two is important this week. If you feel you are being torn in one direction and then another I'd be thinking of just taking a holiday. Having Mars in your sign for eight months is enough to make want anyone to have a holiday. Think about it. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) The moon is in your sign this Tuesday and Wednesday, bringing with it a sense of relief from everything else going on around you. Work has been predominantly ruling your life of late and you may have been finding some changes there either to your liking or not. If they are not to your liking then you should be looking at ways to change this. Jupiter will give you a push there soon but right now it is time to do what you do best... sit back and plan (and plan some more). Change is coming and this week may find you restless for it to come quickly. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Gemini (May 21-June 21) Think back to how your last two weeks have been. Whether they were good or bad you are just about to get "hit" again with a lunar eclipse in opposition to your sign and also in your love sector. Alongside this, Venus, which is currently retrograde (travelling backwards) in your sign, might be sending you on all sorts of twists and turns while you revisit the past and try to come to terms with what you want and/or need in a relationship. Just as well you have a quick mind because you're going to need all your wits about you this week to keep ahead of changes. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Libra (Sept 23-Oct 23) Could be a bit of excitement around for you this week with the Venus eclipse in your area of adventure and the lunar eclipse in your area of communication. You may feel a lot of energy around just wanting to escape. Or, you may just feeling like talking till you get the right answer -- the one that makes you happiest. If there's been a situation around you that you have decided to really get to the bottom of, I feel you will be really pushed to stop yourself digging around for answers and/or clues this week. Be careful as Mars is still in a position to topple you if you decide to push things too much. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) Check out your boundaries this week on friendships -- both those you wish to keep and those you have outgrown. The lunar eclipse is falling in this area of your chart and possibly highlighting a number of opportunities you will miss if you stick to your current state of mind. This is the last week Jupiter will be in your home sector for twelve years. The blessings this has hopefully given you in the past six months will be something to help you when it comes to deciding who stays and who goes on that friendship list whilst keeping in mind that one of those friends may become much more to you soon. Choose wisely. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Cancer (June 22-July 22) You may find that you feel you are "missing" something just now. Really think on that because it may be you are not missing anything. There's a lot of activity in your area of spirituality with Mercury, Venus and the sun currently there. It may be you who is the one who sees the full picture where others don't and are trying to catch up with you on this. Mercury enters your sign on Friday which should see you finding what you were missing and realizing you were correct all along. The lunar eclipse falls in your work area so pay special attention to this especially on Monday. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21) Monday's lunar eclipse will shine a light on your money and finances this week. The Venus eclipse shortly thereafter will shine a light on joint money and finances. Get things in order and don't make hasty decisions. If something looks too good to be true it probably is. Your love life looks ready to take off this week also, so give yourself time to invest in the possibility of allowing something special to come into your life there. The moon will form a tense aspect to your sign this weekend but you will also have Mercury giving you a helping hand from Friday on with uncovering things you want to know. Get an Astrology Reading Now! Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) You may feel that you need to grasp for answers just now and it would be a good idea to turn the right questions over in your head before you decide to dig deeper into a situation. Neptune, which is currently in your sign, turns retrograde on Monday just in time to link into the lunar eclipse and Venus eclipse. Might be a good idea to stay close to home and not rock too many boats. By the end of the week though with Mercury moving into a position that will make it difficult for you to be quiet any longer you may find that the planning you put in at the start of the week pays off and gets you what you want. Get an Astrology Reading Now!
#2 Posted on
6/7/2012 9:24:25 AM
by Ken
Christopher, welcome to I am a regular and I would like to thank you for the horoscope post. Very interesting. I am so hooked on some of the psychic power readers...I like variety so I do read with quite a few and I find that they give very good information. I like your post and will definitely be calling you soon, not that I am not pleased with the help I've been getting but just to have a different perspective and I am intrigued by what my horoscope says
#3 Posted on
6/10/2012 5:44:24 PM
Thank you Ken for responding to this post. I look forward to doing a psychic consultation with you. HOW I DO A PSYCHIC READING: My psychic/spiritual consultations are done by clairvoyance (psychically seeing pictures, names, words, visions, images, symbols, auras, etc.), clairaudience (hearing voices from the spirit world-God, angels, spiritual guides and teachers, and loved ones), intuitive impressions (strong feelings), inspiration (spiritual illumination of the mind with specific information), and telepathy (mind-to-mind transfer of thought and information). I am a spiritual person and I attribute my abilities to GOD, the higher power. I receive information concerning the past, present, and future and I will tell you the truth about what I see and not just what "you want to hear"! I don't "guess", I psychically KNOW!
