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recurring dream of passed loved one. HELP PLEASE.

#1 Posted on
8/6/2013 7:52:09 PM
by gifteddreamer11
I had a boyfriend two years ago. He passed away due to head injuries in a car accident a few miles from my home. He stayed in a coma for 5 days then passed away. Ever since he was in the hospital I've been having numerous dreams of him.. I think he is trying to communicate or comfort me... Let me explain: 2 weeks before the accident, I had a dream. I was sitting on my countertop, it was cloudy outside and freezing in the house. I had on a jacket and was trembling. I was hugging someone I knew (I think it was him.) And crying and begging him not to leave. I kept repeating "don't go" and "its not fair, dont leave me" between sobs. The dream was so real and vivid. As he was hugging me, he kept trying to warm me up and kissing my forehead.. two weeks later, January 17, 2011..Him and his friends wrecked. It was a xold snowy night. The rest of the week it rained and snowed. Up intil the funeral. Anyway, since that dream, I have had recurring dreams of him comforting me. Hugging me, holding my hands, walking beside me..Things like that. Now from time to time I get a cold chill on only one side of my body that lasts for at least 30 seconds. What is this? Someone PLEASE HELP.
#2 Posted on
8/17/2013 9:05:57 PM
by Marly62
The first dream that you had was preparing you of what was to come. The dream that you keep having tells me that your boyfriend is comforting you and letting you know that he is still with you and that he is alright. He know that you are still hurting from his passing and he's trying to help you get through the pain. Don't be afraid of this dream, I've had many dreams like this. You're not alone.
