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can you help me

#1 Posted on
8/15/2013 10:10:07 AM
by rayne avery
im new here and im a tarot reader but the thing is ...every time i do it i feel light headed and dizzy my aunt say but all your spirit energy in it and i do but ...i feel drained is this normal? what can i do to stop the dizziness .
#2 Posted on
8/29/2013 12:45:58 AM
by Kali
Hello, The first thing a person wants to do before undertaking any spiritual work such as divination is grounding and centering. If you are familiar with your chakras, picture your root chakra opening up and roots coming out of you and going deep into Mother Earth. Visualize yourself as being kind of like a tree if that makes sense. Allow the earth energy to flow upwards through your chakras and out your crown chakra. This will allow the earth energy to keep you grounded and centered and allow your crown chakra and third eye to open to receive information from the spiritual realms. Also, I ask angels and Spirit to surround me and protect me and give me clear sight. Hope this helps some :) Brightest Blessings, Kali
#3 Posted on
9/5/2013 12:05:43 PM
by Peanut B
Kali...nice read. Seems like you are a tarot expert. I have not seen you on the forum before but will definitely check you out. Thanks for taking the time to answer.
