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Ability to predict timers

#1 Posted on
4/18/2019 7:47:12 PM
by BarryB
I have the odd ability to set a timer (microwave, etc) and "know" when it's going to go off. I've tested it 20 times over a two week period and I'm able to do it fairly consistently at 14/20 times. It seems to work best when I am distracted (tv, conversation) after I set the timer. It's like a tickle inside when the time is almost up, allowing me to get up and walk towards whatever is being timed, arriving at the spot as the timer goes off. Times don't have to be standard, meaning 4 mins works as well as 6 mins 17 secs. Testing was done with a stove timer, a microwave timer and an egg timer. Does anyone have a name for this ability? I'm thinking it can be explained away as an exceptional internal clock, but I can't seem to find an actual name for it.
#2 Posted on
9/15/2019 2:25:02 AM
by Lilliablossom1111
This always happens! It's like my brain also sets a timer like?!? This also happens with my alarm clock when I wake up in the morning. Subconsciously, I know that I don't like to be disturbed when I'm sleeping. I don't like for anything to Jolt me awake, so I set timers. The thing is, if my alarm is set for 8 a.m., I will most certainly open my eyes at 7:59. It's crazy but... it's also kind of nice. I don't like loud/blaring noises and when I feel an alarm about to go off on the microwave, I get up with usually around 8-10 seconds to spare just enough time to keep that damn beeping from happening. lol!
