Forums - Psychic Ability & Intuition - coincidence or random? |

coincidence or random?

#1 Posted on
11/11/2019 5:43:46 PM
by typicalCancer
So something strange happened to me yesterday. I would say it’s just a coincidence but it’s a bit too strange for it to be random. So here I am asking what you think. There’s a restaurant in my city that I share a name with. My first name is unusual and there’s 3 of us in a city of at least 2 million. One is the lady that owns the restaurant, there’s me of course plus another lady who is a bit younger than me and I’ve only met her once. The restaurant is called *My first name*’s Deli. This is a restaurant I go to frequently, maybe once a month but I usually just pick up food and am in and out in 10 minutes. That part is just set up, now comes the weird part. I saw my ex’s sister there. I haven’t seen her in something like 12 years in person. We’ve spoken all of 6 words to each other. I’m not sure if she saw me. She was sitting outside on the patio with what looked like a first date. I was of course in and out within 15 minutes and went home and never actually spoke with her. I completely forget about seeing the sister at the restaurant. I couldn’t sleep last night, having conversations with myself and arguments with assholes in my head. I get up at some point last night and check my phone. I’d gotten a text message from my ex’s mom. It was one of those chain mail texts which irritate the crap out of me but I haven’t spoken with her since a couple weeks before me and my ex broke up. Anyway, that’s all that happened, but after seeing his sister and getting the text from his mom I had a dream about him. So would you say that seeing the sister at the restaurant I share a name with then later one getting a text from his mother is a coincidence? Or was it just totally random?

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