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My Post

#1 Posted on
3/12/2022 11:11:03 AM
by Stumpy
This will probably be deleted but near in mind that I am not challenging as much as I am genuinely trying to understand. I am a very logic based person so of course that does not align with the subject of psychic abilities. Specifically, the ability to communicate with the dead, since my wife has passed away. There are a lot of psychics that claim they are able to do this but none who are able to do it in a manner where I know for sure it is my wife that they are talking to. I'll explain. When we were married, we agreed on a secret word that no one knew about, only the two of us. We agreed that whoever died first, IF they could communicate with the living one or through a medium that we would use the secret word. So far, no one can ascertain the word. Logically I would think that if my wife is actually being communicated with, this would not be an issue. Help me to explain in layman terms, why this is such an impossible task.

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