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The Falling Dream

#1 Posted on
5/16/2009 5:41:17 PM
by apple
OK, we've all had some version of this one. You are flying or on a high ledge and you find yourself falling. It's incredibly lifelike and your heart races. But somehow you always wake up and everything is fine. What's this one all about?
#2 Posted on
5/17/2009 8:21:56 PM
by LoLo
According to the "experts," falling dreams are a theme that is quite common in the world of dreams. Contrary to a popular myth, you will not actually die if you do not wake up before your hit the ground during a fall. "As with most common dream themes, falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life. This may reflect the way you feel in your relationship or in your work environment. You have lost your foothold and can not hang on or keep up with the hustle and bustle of daily life. When you fall, there is nothing that you can hold on to. You more or less are forced toward this downward motion without any control. This lost of control may parallel a waking situation in your life."
#3 Posted on
5/19/2009 5:01:49 PM
by cusper
Thanks for the post LoLo - that's a really great explanation and you are right, it's definitely about feeling insecure or losing control. Glad to hear the part about dying if you hit the ground is a myth!
#4 Posted on
5/19/2009 5:12:56 PM
by Lilith
There is an excellent discussion of the falling theme in dreams here: Lilith
#5 Posted on
5/19/2009 5:17:00 PM
by Lilith
Let's see if this link comes through better: Dream Moods: Common Dreams: Falling Dreams Lilith
#6 Posted on
5/19/2009 7:10:33 PM
by Team
Sorry Lilith, the Forums do not support external links at this time. We expect to update the Forums to allow users to add links in the coming weeks. Many thanks for all the great posts!
#7 Posted on
6/21/2009 5:06:00 AM
by Lilith
Psychic Power Team - Thank you for the advise on the external links! :) Lilith
