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Deceased Loved Ones

#1 Posted on
7/8/2009 11:26:51 AM
by mariposa
Does anyone have the dream where a deceased loved one visits them? I have had this dream on a few occasions, with different deceased family members. I have read that this is really the person trying to come through to convey a message. Has anyone else heard this?
#2 Posted on
7/20/2009 4:32:52 AM
by Bonnie
Mariposa - Yes, I have both read about these expereinces and had them. :) I am left with a feeling of peace, and generally sme information that I needed to know. I do feel that those who have crossed over cme into our dreams to bring us information because this is hte easiest way for them to do so (as our conscious mind is not there to act as a barrier). If I don't understand everything from a dream, I simply ask for another dream for clarification. This always works for me. :) Blessings, Bonnie
#3 Posted on
4/8/2010 12:53:34 AM
I had a dream about a good freind of mine that died years ago. In the dream I was with my son, his wife & daughter. I pulled up with all my belongings in the car I came in as if to just show up. Through out the long dream, playing with my granddaughter and talking with my son (he lives out of state in real life by the way) There was my friend Tim following us but we never spoke. Then he handed me a piece of brown paper with something written on it that he only wanted me to know and not the others. When I read it I was kind of upset and very confused. I remember thinking I need to remember this when I wake up but I couldn't of course. That was the dream. Any clue what that mess could be about?
