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Airplane Takeoff in Wind

#1 Posted on
8/27/2009 8:16:34 PM
by CityGirl
In my dream, I am in an airplane that is about to take off. It is in a city, but there is water on all sides. The water all around has whitecaps, and there is a lot of wind outside. Another woman on the plane says she wants off the plane -- that this is dangerous. I look at her and feel her fear, yet I also know that everything is going to be okay. The stewardess announces that we are taking off anyway, and away we go. I wake up or the dream ends.
#2 Posted on
8/31/2009 6:11:00 AM
by Darcy
My understanding is that planes, trains, cars etc can all be viewed as forms of transportation. IOW - we are moving, or being transported from, one place to another. Looking at the surrounding water, which represents the unconscious, I would say that this plane represents a personal journey for you. A spiritual journey, as oposed to a physical one. This, I believes, represents something that is aboutt otake pplace in your real time life. This journey concerns you - the whitcaps represent challenges connected w ith your journey. The other woman on the plane - the pne that wants to get off - is that part of you that is anxious, or perhaps even afraid, of this journey that you are about to undertake. The stewardess, your Higher Self, is reassuring you that "all will be well". :)
#3 Posted on
9/5/2009 10:07:09 AM
by Daniella
It looks like you are about to "take off" on a very exciting part of your life! You have sme concerns, but are happy with the process. :)
