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Large Pool of Water with Fountains

#1 Posted on
8/27/2009 8:21:12 PM
by CityGirl
In my dream, I am visiting what feels like a beautiful ancient pool. It is very large and deep, and it is surrounded by large columns and a garden. There are people in the pool, mostly children, swimming and having fun. I am there with my daughter, and we are walking around the pool. The thing I am most struck by is that there are all types of fountains, including drinking fountains, around the edge of the pool and even in the pool. I think it is brilliant that people don't have to leave the pool in order to drink the water! That's it. What does this all mean?
#2 Posted on
8/28/2009 9:56:09 AM
by Dani
I found this to be an amazing dream. I felt as if you were on another planet, in a lovely garden of eden typ scene. I always see water as the subconscious part of us. I would tend to see this dream as a symbolic dream, rather than one that is talking directly about mundane, physical reality. The presence of water is suggesting that information on a universal, archetypal level is coming to you. Dreamtime is often connected iwth this type of activity. The pool and fountains seem to be comforting to you - they are there to be enjoyed. The information that is coming to you is of a gentle nature - not something that will "shock" you into a new awareness. The sheer number of fountains (places where the water/wisdom is made available to you) is quite interesting. Information/wisdom is coming to you frm many different venues, many different directions. The children I would say represent parts of yourself - opportunities, projects and ideas that have presented themselves (or are presenting themselves), but that need to be nurtured to fully manifest in your life. What an exciting time this is for you!
#3 Posted on
9/9/2009 2:26:06 AM
by Bonnie
I key in on the word "ancient" that was used in describing the pools of water. For me, this would indicate accessing "ancient", or archetypal wisdom. This dream is a portent of great thigns to come!
