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Lions and Tigers in Abandoned Building with Stairs

#1 Posted on
9/14/2009 8:02:06 AM
by Ree
In my dream I am in an a big abandoned building. It feels like an old hospital or government building -- a bit dreary but with lots of big windows in the big main room. There is a door with a stairwell, which goes up several flights, with a door at every level. The stairs are switchback. I believe I am with a few other people, and we are told we have to make our way up the stairs into the higher levels of the building and that there are lions. tigers and other roaming cats loose in the corridors of the building. I am scared, but I know I must rely on my intuition to navigate the way and I will be safe. I am about to go up the stairs, but the dream changes and now there are these wild cats on the first floor of the main room. What does this mean?!
#2 Posted on
9/15/2009 1:46:01 AM
by Bonnie
This is an interesting dream. The building represents your physical self. That you are with other people, and yet do not feel part of them, indicates that in some way in your life you feel abandoned. The staircase itself indicates change and transformation. That it is a switchback indicatges to me that this change and transformation is not progressing in a straight line/logical sequence. It has some "twists and turns" to it. Going up the stairs indicates that you are moving into a higher level of understanding. Many new thoughts are beginning to come to the conscious level. The lion in your dream symbolizes personal strength and power - great strength and power. The lion is a leader, indicating that you are eitherin a leadership position, or are moving into one. You have power over the people around you. That you are afraid of being attacked by the lion indicates that you have obstacles to oversome. There may be some issues here that you are repressing, and that this is what you fear. The fact that you have the courage to go up the stairs - to accept your new wisdom - and that suddenly the lions - your repressed fears - have moved to the ground floor is telling. Tigers are also about power - the personal power that you have to use in situations in your life. I would say that this dream is telling you to no tbe afraid to take more of a leadership role in your life. That you fear that the lions and tigers will attack you could mean that you are afraid of your own emotions. I might try asking for another dream, in which you ask either a lion (singular) or a tiger (singular) what you need to know to deal with this issue. My feeling is that they are your ally. :)
#3 Posted on
9/15/2009 8:42:29 PM
by Ree
Hi Bonnie. What an amazing interpretation! Personal power is a a big life issue for me, so I think this really applies. I do have one question: you said you thought it was significant that the lions and tigers came down to the first floor. What did you mean by this? In the meantime, I will ask the question of another dream. Thank you!
#4 Posted on
9/16/2009 12:12:42 PM
by Bonnie
Ree - The lions and tigers started out way up on the stairway. In other words - your power way at a distance from you. When you went to start climbing the stairs - they had moved to the ground floor. To me, even though you still feared them (i.e. feared your power), your power had closed the distance and was right there, available to you. This is tremendous! :)
