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Adoptive Boy

#1 Posted on
9/24/2009 10:36:45 AM
by mariposa
I had a dream where I am involved with some type of organization which helps foster children or children being placed for adoption. I am trying to help find them families or something - I'm not really sure, but I am there to help. There is a very young boy with a very vivid face who is looking to me to help him find a family. He doesn't say anything, but I know he wants to be a part of my family. Does this mean I am open to adopting a child or is this symbolic of something else? It immediately reminded me of this story -- I once met a woman who had adopted a boy. She had been unable to conceive a child of her own and she said that this boy came to her in her dream and said his name and that she was meant to be his mother. Sure enough, through a sequence of events thereafter, she was introduced to a young girl who was pregnant and looking for a home for her soon to be born baby.
#2 Posted on
9/25/2009 10:14:51 AM
by Daniella
Mariposa - What an interesting dream! I don't know too much about dream symbols, but the ifrst thing that struck me was the age of the child. And that this was probably an "inner child", making this a symbolic dream. The adoption may have to do with new things coming to you, wanting you to "adopt" them. This could be projects in your career field. Sorry to not be of more help here! Let me know what you think, please. :)
