July 2009 Total Solar Eclipse - Monday, July 20, 2009 | PsychicPower.com

Psychic Blogs

There will be a total solar eclipse on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009. It is the second of three eclipses this summer (the first being a lunar eclipse on July 7th, the second being the solar eclipse on July 22nd, and the third being a lunar eclipse on August 6th), which is rare in and of itself. It will be the longest eclipse in the 21st century, lasting six minutes and thirty-nine seconds. As far as personally viewing it, that will only be possible for those living in a narrow corridor running through northern India, eastern Nepal, southern China and the Pacific ocean. Energetically, of course, the entire planet is affected by this energy.

Eclipses in general are all about change – a total eclipse talks about releasing the past and walking through the door to the future - endings and new beginnings. This eclipse occurs in the last part of Cancer, just before the Sun enters Leo. Metaphysically speaking, we are being given the opportunity to learn the lessons associated with Cancer. How this fits into the major changes that this planet is undergoing ecologically, and the major changes that humankind is undergoing with the economic crisis, is undoubtedly part of the lessons that we are to learn from Cancer.

With Cancer we are talking about the archetypes of nurturing and intuitive (psychic) wisdom. We need to nurture ourselves, as well as others in our life. There needs to be a sense of balance there. Another aspect of this eclipse is that we need to allow others to nurture us. We need to open our hearts and accept that nurturing.

It is time to take a look at your life – at who and what you are nurturing, and how you feel about that. If we spend too much time nurturing others, and do not spend time nurturing ourselves, then we are out of balance. If we are willing to nurture others, but do not allow ourselves to receive nurturing energy from others, then we are out of balance. What actions can you take at this tme to bring your life back into balance?

Post by Bonnie at 7/20/2009 3:38:09 AM
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