A Medium Shares Her Experience - Monday, November 23, 2009 | PsychicPower.com

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All mediums are psychics but not all psychics are mediums. Like most psychics and medium, I grew up in a family where psychics’ experiences were just an everyday occurrence. Sometimes people ask me what it is like to be a psychic and a medium, and my answer is that I do not know what it is like not to be a psychic.

My mother, my aunts, my sister and my grandson have all shared psychic/medium experiences. One of my earliest medium experiences was when my father had a fatal heart attack. I was in college, over a hundred miles away from home, and I heard him as he was taking his last breaths. And at his funereal, I was one of the last to leave. Suddenly I saw a long white tunnel open up, and I knew he was now in the light. He also came to me in a dream within a few days, and said he wanted me to relay a message to older sister Sara. When I told my sister what he wanted her to know, she was very relieved.

Over the course of years, I have done countless medium readings for clients whose loved ones have passed over. I have learned that we go from life to life. Yes, the body dies, but the personality, the character, the memories and the feelings remain with the person who has passed over. It is my pleasure to connect loved ones and relay final messages, which gives peace and healing and comfort not only to my client, but to the one who has passed over.

My only son died on March 15, 2009. It has been a priceless experience for me to know that my son is often near me and willing to talk. A few weeks after he died, my phone rang. It was the 911 operator asking me what emergency I had. I told her that I had not called, and she was surprised, as my name, phone number and address was showing up on her caller id. I was very puzzled but after I hung up the mystery was solved. I heard my son say that in the last year, he had not called me enough, but that he was calling me tonight.

A few days ago, I was trying to take a nap when I heard Demetri tell me to get up as someone was coming over. In a few seconds, my next door neighbor knocked on my door. Right now as I am typing this, I heard him tell me he liked my article.

Several times since Demetri’s death, my five year old grandson has comforted his mother by taking her by the hand and pointing to the sky. “Don’t cry Mommy. See that pretty cloud, Demetri is right there. “On several occasions he has seen Demetri in various places.

Grief can block communication. I have not seen my son, but it is very comforting to me that my grandson has seen him. My daughter and I validate his experiences and welcome his comments.

My sister has seen family members and close friends, supported by an angel on each side, as they begin their journey on the other side. One of the most touching experiences she related to me was that at the beginning of the last school year, she was able to see the mother of one of her students. The mother had passed over and was in my sister’s classroom, checking up on her small son.

Pets survive. I know because I have often seen a dog or a cat with the loved one who has passed over. It is wonderful to be able to describe the pet, and hear the caller’s happiness to know that Fluffy is with his beloved person, and that both are alive and well.

When I do readings, sometimes deceased loved ones just show up. A few nights ago, I was doing a reading for a client, and I suddenly realized someone was standing near me. I tuned in to the energy and felt it was her grandmother. When I asked her if she had a grandmother named Rose, she was very surprised and delighted. I was able to be the channel to connect her with her grandmother. She had questions about other family members who had passed on, and Grandmother Rose answered her questions. It was a wonderful experience for all concerned.

Medium readings are a pleasure and an honor to do. I consider it a sacred calling, as it brings so much comfort to so many. My son died very suddenly and there was no chance to say good-bye. This happens to many people and they are left in almost unbearable grief, wondering and worrying about their loved ones. A medium reading often helps to begin the healing process, not only for the one left behind, but the one who has passed on. It is not unusual to a caller to be crying at the beginning of the reading and laughing at the end. I would consider it an honor to do a reading for you. I wish you the very highest and best.

Silver, Extension 3820

Post by Psychic Silver at 11/23/2009 3:54:14 PM
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