Sagittarius New Moon - Tuesday, December 1, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

December 16th, 2009 brings us the New Moon in Sagittarius. Be prepared to open yourself to new ways of thinking … to new visions. This is a very assertive, outgoing time, when we will be moved to take action on our thoughts. This energy is increased because it is a New Moon – a time of new beginnings, of planting seeds for future growth.

This is a time when we will be letting go of that which is holding us to the physical world. When we release this energy, we find that we make much better spiritual progress. You may find yourself feeling somewhat detached from everyday life, which may be a necessary thing for your spiritual progress.

Quite literally, we are letting go of the old and making room for the new. We are recognizing and releasing that which no longer serves us well.

Post by Bonnie at 12/1/2009 4:02:28 AM
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