The Magician - Monday, December 14, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

When we look at the Tarot, and try to determine what one card might best represent Christmas, I immediately think of the Magician. In many ways I equate him with the Magi of the Christmas myth – bearing gifts, in this case the gifts of the energy of the four elements … Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

The Magician through his ability to work with the elements brings wisdom from the spirit world down to the physical world. In the imagery, we see representations of the four elements on the table in front of him. The lemniscate (figure eight) over his head represents infinity.

The Magician is where our self-confidence comes from. He is the archetype that we turn to in order to manifest our goals/desires. Here we see will and desire, and the ability to communicate.

Focus, creativity, determination, personal power, movement – all of this is contained within the Magician. In a spread, the Magician is giving the Seeker a heads up that they have these powers at their disposal, and that they can manifest that which they desire in their lives. The Seeker needs to access their potential – to recognize it, and put ti to best use.

If the Magician is poorly aspected in a spread, the Seeker needs to look for where in their lives they are being manipulated, and by whom. (Note: The energy doing the manipulating may also be the Seeker’s ego, or sense of self.

The Magician represents Christmas to me because of the gifts that he brings: self- awareness, clarity of thought, focus and intent placed behind action.

Which card in the Tarot represents Christmas to you? What place does the Magician have in your life?

Post by Bonnie at 12/14/2009 2:18:45 AM
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