The Departed Can Hear You - Thursday, December 17, 2009 |

Psychic Blogs

As a medium, I often find myself in unusual situations, yet when messages come through from strangers, I feel obligated to pass them along.
A few months ago, while shopping in a local department store, an insistent voice who identified himself as Miquel kept repeating the same message over and over. At the same time, I was drawn to a middle-aged woman trying on shoes. 
My spirit was strong-willed and demanding.  He kept repeating: "tell her yes, I can hear her."  My first thought was not positive; after all, how would this complete stranger react when I told her that a deceased person wanted me to pass her a message?
As I headed for the exit, the voice literally "screamed" in my head, adding the name Rosa.  I reluctantly turned back to the shoe department and took a seat near the woman.
"Excuse me," I said, "Is your name Rosa?" Slightly taken aback, she answered "yes, do I know you from somewhere?"
After telling her that we had never met, I explained that I was a medium, and that I was receiving a message from a man named Miquel. I repeated the message, "I can hear you."
Rosa took a deep breath and burst into tears.  I reached over and held her hand.  When she composed herself, she was able to explain. The previous evening, she had been lying in bed, weeping, and talking aloud to Miquel, her deceased husband.  Feeling very low, she had shouted three times: "Can you hear me?"
The gratitude on this sweet woman's face filled me with a great deal of happiness.  She could not thank me enough, and we parted with a big hug. "I'm at peace now," she whispered in my ear.  He CAN hear me.
Talk to those loved ones who have left this realm, and rest assured, they are listening.
Post by Theresita at 12/17/2009 6:22:40 AM
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