New Moon In Aquarius - Friday, February 12, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

On Saturday, February 13th, we see the New Moon in Aquarius. I cannot help but think of the “Age of Aquarius”, and its lightheartedness. Aquarius is what is termed a fixed Air sign, and it represents collective energy or group consciousness – that of ideas, groups of people, or even mankind as a whole. This is wonderful energy for setting new beginnings, which is the role of the New Moon.

This particular Aquarius New Moon is conjoined with the healing energy of Chiron, which put the focus into helping those around us in any way that we can. The fixed nature of Aquarius indicates that our focus will be fixed on certain archetypal ideas or goals, such as Justice, Peace, and Love.

The is the best time of the year to plant the seeds that will benefit all of us in the future, not just each of us as individuals. Aquarius takes the energy of Capricorn and moves it out into the world. This is a time to look at our values, at the beliefs that we embody on a day to day basis, and see if they still hold true. What needs to be tweaked? What no longer serves us well, and needs to be released?

What kind of future would you like to see for your community? For your country? For the world at large? What seeds can you plant that will enable that future?

© February 2010

Post by Bonnie at 2/12/2010 2:37:36 PM
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