Our Creative Nature - Friday, February 19, 2010 | PsychicPower.com

Psychic Blogs

We all need to practice expressing ourselves creatively. I was going through some things the other day and found a journal from 2005. What a gift! I got to read about all kinds of things that I had forgotten about – classes that I took, readings that I did for myself, places that I went. What I wanted to do, what I did, what I didn’t do – it was all there.

We need to reach into and explore our creative centers, to take risks, to move away from the serious side of life a bit, and stretch ourselves. When we journal the creative things that we do we leave a trail for the future – bright “remembrances” of all that we can do and be.

We can redecorate our homes, write blogs, be den mothers, work with the PTA, write stories, paint … the list is endless, and fascinating, all of the things that we can do and be. Our energy is never wasted when we are creating!

What have you created lately? What do you want to create? Go and do it! Live the moment, take the risk, and be happy!

Post by Bonnie at 2/19/2010 4:04:37 PM
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