Tiger Woods Apology - Friday, February 19, 2010 | PsychicPower.com

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The big day is here – golfer Tiger Woods has made his public apology. No questions allowed, of course, but he did make his public apology. His statement was that he was a narcissist who needs help. I agree with the writer of the article that I read (Jay Mariotti, writing for Fan House) – it took great courage to make even this small statement. He (Woods) admitted to living a double life, and to living a lie. Well, that would actually be living several lies! I was amazed at the list of women that suddenly appeared after he crashed his car!

What we need to understand is that Wood’s issues are all too human issues, issues that any of us could be facing. Public family man and spokesperson, private adulterer. Personally, I looked at the companies who withdrew their endorsements, and wondered if they were really all that “pure”. Who were they to stand as judge and jury?

In his thirteen and one half minute speech, he admitted to his guilt. He accepted responsibility – sole responsibility. He apologized to his family and to the public for letting them down. He apologized to his wife, Elin. He apologized to the families of children that he was the role model for. He stated that he had a lot to atone for. He indicated that he had stopped living the core values that he was brought up with.

Woods is in therapy for sex addiction, has stated that he is returning to Buddhism, the religion that he grew up with, and he as made a commitment to showing better behavior on the golf course – no cursing, no throwing of golf clubs, no more prima donna behavior.

I personally wish Tiger Woods, his wife, children and family the best. I am not a golf aficionado, but I do hope that he returns to the game.

What can we learn from this personal tragedy, what lesson can we take away from all of this? I drew one card from the Tarot – the Ace of Swords. How appropriate! Aces are all about opportunity … as individuals, and as a nation, we have an opportunity to do the right thing here. Swords as a suit represents intellect, communications, and vision. We are being given the opportunity to learn the lessons of humility and authenticity. We need to live according to our beliefs, and to see our words and actions with clear vision.

Post by Bonnie at 2/19/2010 5:01:38 PM
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