Transparency - More Than A Political Buzz Word - Sunday, February 21, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

Transparency … learning to deal with life … this is one of the hardest things that we have to do. Transparency is more than the latest political buzz word … it is living by our beliefs, allowing others to see what our beliefs are, and clearly setting out our boundaries.

One of the ways that transparency comes into play is when we are dealing with the actions of others. We view the actions of others through our own lens of perception … our own life experiences, and the boundaries that we set for ourselves through our personal belief systems. We choose how we are going to react to the actions of others … in doing this, we have some say in how their actions are going to affect us.

The first thing that we want to do is know that another person’s actions are their responsibility … they have nothing to do with us. Each person makes the decision to do what they do … we are not responsible for their actions, or the consequences of their actions. So we start out by taking a deep breath. Then we take another one.

If someone has taken an action that affects us in some way, then we do need to speak up. We need to tell them how their action affected us, and how we feel about it. We need to do this in a calm voice – not from a center of anger.

We are being transparent in that we are allowing others to know how we see them, and how we see their actions. This is not a judgmental act … it is living an authentic life … living life with our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies in balance.

Have other peoples actions affected your life? What did you do about that? How did you address it? Did you make them understand how you felt about what they did? Were you able to do so in a loving, rather than an angry manner?

Be transparent … come from a point of peace and unconditional love … and you will begin to see positive changes in your life!

Post by Bonnie at 2/21/2010 7:30:11 AM
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