The Four Elements - Monday, April 19, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

In the Tarot, the four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles) are associated with the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). In turn, each of the elements is associated with a particular part of our life. The Major Arcana are often considered to be the fifth element – that of Ether, the element of Spirit.

The suit of Wands, associated with the element of Fire, is all about warmth, creativity, passion, purifying and healing, action, movement and adventure. Here we see our will, our drive, and spirit in the form of actions in the mundane/physical world.

The suit of Cups, associated with the element of Water, is all about intuition, the feminine, and the emotional side of life. They speak to love, friendship, the unconscious and dreamtime. Here we see the mothering/nurturing principles in action.

The suit of Swords, associated with the element of Air, is all about the mental realm, the mind, the thinking process, communications, abstract learning, and finding clarity.

The suit of Pentacles, associated with the element of Earth, is all about the physical realm, material life, health, wealth, grounding and centering ourselves. It speaks to our “safe place” in life.

In interpreting a reading, one of the first things that I do is look at the elements represented, and where they fall. Is there predominance of one element? This is where the emphasis is currently in the Seeker’s life. Are the elements balanced (i.e. are they all represented equally)? If so, the Seeker is balanced in their approach to life. Is there a missing element? From my personal point of view, a missing element is the answer to the issue being addressed. The Seeker needs in some way to bring the energy of the missing element in to manifest the solution to their problem(s).

Where are the elements fitting into your life? How well are you connecting to your available energy? They are always there for us, waiting to be brought into our lives!

Post by Bonnie at 4/19/2010 6:59:26 AM
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