New Moon In Taurus - Monday, May 10, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

On Thursday, May 13th, we have a new moon in Taurus. The energy of Taurus is that of supporting seeds that have already been sown. We are all going to be looking at new projects, new directions that we may wish to go in, or opportunities that may be coming to us, an trying to decide how best to nurture them so that they manifest in the most positive manner.

With Taurus we are looking at the mundane, practical side of life. We are looking for growth with stability, growth that can be sustained, and setting down a strong foundation in our material world. Whatever you have been working on is now able to be seen in physical form.

It is very important that our goals, and the intention and focus behind these goals, are consistent and purposeful. It is at this point that we are creating the environment that our goals are manifesting in – we want it to we strong, and to be able to nourish and support our efforts. Harmony is a word well applied here – and remember, our resources may be financial, they may be material, or they may be in the area of relationship (business and personal). We need to take all of these things into consideration.

Getting results is important, as is planning for the future. All done in a very low key manner – no high drama scheduled here! Something to take into consideration at this time is that this may be a period when people show resistance to change, when they dig in their heels and refuse to budge. Be gentle with nudging them!

A Taurus New Moon is also a good time to sit back and enjoy the physical world around you – acknowledge what you have created, what you have gathered to you. Appreciate what life has to offer.

Post by Bonnie at 5/10/2010 2:15:13 PM
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