Sagittarius Full Moon - Sunday, May 23, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

On Thursday, May 27th, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius. As with all Full Moons, we are looking at a bringing some area of our life to a close, so that we have the space to move forward. The Moon is associated with dreamtime, with creativity, and with the connection between our conscious and our unconscious. We are strongly connected at this time to our creative nature, and to our emotional self.

The focus for a Sagittarius Full Moon is that of seeking the truth. The Archer, above all, wants to know the truth of things. This is more than the truth of justice – this is truth as seen in a spiritual light. Wisdom may come in the waking “Aha!” experience, through synchronicity, or through an increased experience in dreamtime. Pay attention to the wisdom that come to you, as well as the imagery through which it is brought. Why a certain image gain your attention? If the image repeats itself throughout the day, or throughout the week, what does this mean to you?

This is a time of intuition – listen to your intuition on a heart level. Act on you intuition.

During a full moon, we are allowed to look beyond the veil, to see what something really means, to see why it is really there. Logic gives way to intuitive/mystic impressions, and to new ways of looking at things.

What in your life are you bringing closure to? What in your life do you need to see the truth about? What in your life are you looking to define? This is the time to do all of these things. Sagittarius helps us to open our minds and see the full potential in everything.

Post by Bonnie at 5/23/2010 12:45:27 PM
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