Discovery of Egyptian Tombs - Monday, May 24, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

This morning I came across the following article on 57 ancient tombs unearthed in Egypt. What I found very interesting was that most of the tombs held a wooden sarcophagus (with a mummy inside) that was ornately painted. The oldest tombs date back to 2750 BC, the period of Egypt’s first and second dynasties, with 12 of the tombs belonging to the 18th dynasty.

The mummies from the 18th dynasty as said to be covered in linen decorated with religious texts from the Book of the Dead, along with scenes featuring ancient deities.

Some of he tombs themselves were decorated with religious text that was thought by ancient Egyptians to help the dead cross over.

The tombs were unearthed at Lahoun, which is located south of Cairo. It sounded to me, reading this article, that the tombs were found largely intact, which is a feat in and of itself. This discovery will shed new light on Egypt’s ancient religions, and, in my personal opinion, may help to validate some things that have already been discovered.

There are some excellent photographs in this article on this an other sites in Egypt, including photographs of sarcophagus, the sites themselves, statues and more.

What an excellent way to look back at ancient times and see how the world evolved as it did!

Post by Bonnie at 5/24/2010 5:33:26 AM
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