Feng Shui and Your Front Door - Wednesday, June 2, 2010 | PsychicPower.com

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When I think of what is the most important area of my home, in terms of feng shui, I think about my front door. This is literally where everything enters the house, so I want it to be as strong as I can make it. I want to provide a welcome environment for abundance, blessings, harmony and prosperity. It is through this literal and figurative doorway that we fine-tune the vibration of the energy that enters our home.

Go outside, and view your front door from the street. Is the path to your front door clear? If there are stepping stone, make sure that they are flat, so no one will trip. Move/remove anything that appears to block or constrict the flow of energy to your door. If you have plants on your porch, make sure that they do not block the view of the door, and that they are not “crowding” the space.

Make sure that the front yard in the area of your front door is well maintained, and that it is not a repository for toys, bikes, shoes and any of life’s other necessities. There is a place for these things, but it is not on your front porch. Do any repairs that need to be done. Make sure that your porch is bright and clean – paint it, if necessary.

For a light touch, you might want to think about adding wind chimes, sun catchers, or mobiles of some type (just make sure that they do not take over the porch). You might want to add small statues of some kind – they are there to greet your guests, as well as to protect the house and its occupants from any sort of negativity. These statues can usually be found in any garden or plant store. Hold the statue(s) in your hands before you place them, and think about the energy that you want them to portray. Send that energy into them, and then place them where you would like them to be.

Even if you live in an apartment, or a rented house, do the best that you can to make your front door and doorway hospitable to you and your guests. Intention is a very important, and a very real thing. Mentally blessing your doorway, and setting the tone for positive energy is something that anyone can do. You might also want to visualize white light around your door (white light is spiritual protection), or smudge it with sage occasionally.

You are in charge of your own home environment. Make your home strong and hospitable, a place where good energy makes you and your guests feel at home.

Post by Bonnie at 6/2/2010 9:29:20 AM
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