Summer Solstice - Saturday, June 19, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

Summer Solstice (the first day of summer) happens on June 21st, 2010. This is the longest day – and the shortest night – of the year. Different cultures celebrate the Summer Solstice in different ways. The Celtic culture celebrates with dancing and bonfires (to increase the energy of the sun). The Chinese honor Li, their Goddess of Light. In the Druidic culture the Summer Solstice is celebrated as the wedding of Heaven and Earth.

In England thousands will gather at Stonehenge to welcome the sunrise.

The time between spring planting and all harvest has been seen since ancient times as a time to celebrate the earth, the feminine principle, and the light (Sun). The celebration of light is also why bonfires are lit – not only to honor the Sun, but in some cultures as a form of divination – finding truth in the flames. This is a time of renewal and great potential.

Some of the symbols connected with the summer solstice are bonfires (which represent he light and warmth of the sun, and our consciousness, as well as our passionate nature), Salamanders (which represent he elemental nature of Fire), the Oak tree (seen as a holder or vessel for sacred knowledge), daisies (symbolic of youth and innocence), bees and honey (the first full moon in June is known as the Honey Moon).

This is also a time for gathering magical herbs- especially St John’s Wort (at midnight on the Solstice), and for lovers. It is also a time for celebrating water, as it nourishes the crops and encourages them to grow).

Celebrate the Summer Solstice in your own way. Honor the light that shines in your life, the gift of light and warmth that surrounds each of us. What are you thankful for? In what ways can you give back to the Universe for the nourishment and support it has given you? Light a bonfire (safely, please!), or a candle (again, safely please!) and meditate on the flames as they reach skyward!

Post by Bonnie at 6/19/2010 3:34:56 PM
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