Lunar Eclipse Energy Moving Forward - Monday, June 28, 2010 |

Psychic Blogs

The lunar eclipse (in Capricorn) occurred this past Saturday, but the energy that this Grand Square brought with it is still strongly with us. While it will at times be disruptive, we can also use it to support us in personal transition and transformation – specifically in developing the qualities within ourselves that we acknowledge as necessary to take us into our future.

That quality might be in claiming our own wisdom – in developing the ability to listen to our inner wisdom, and act on it. A parallel with this is the ability to discern whether outside advice that we are receiving is true, or even if it holds any value or meaning for us if it is true.

That quality might be in accepting our creative nature, and our ability to manifest in our own lives. Here we are talking about having the self-confidence to “own” our own skills and abilities, as well as the courage to face our shadows and “dream the big dreams”.

The nature of this lunar eclipse also asks us to revisit people and situations from the past – whether they come from this lifetime, or from past lifetimes. We can use the qualities that we are developing within ourselves to interact with these energies, to acknowledge them, to understand them, and to incorporate them into our being. As we do this, we essentially release their hold over us, and create the necessary space to experience both a solid present and set the groundwork for a solid future.

What are you looking to create for your future? What are your big dreams? What skills and abilities will you need to make them happen? What do you need to release from your life?

This is a wonderful time for all of us. We can make major moves, major changes, and be supported by Spirit as we do so. Dream the big dreams – and take the small actions that move you forward in achieving those big dreams!

Post by Bonnie at 6/28/2010 5:17:52 AM
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